My Name Is Sam

The morning sky is dark with rolling clouds as I sit on a boardwalk bench in Seaside Heights, NJ, just reflecting about how blessed my life has been. The waves are anxious, pounding the pristine sand in a precise, rapid rhythm. The boardwalk is empty except for a few early morning gulls and a man standing by the rail about 100 feet away. As I huddle here, I close my eyes, soaking in the sounds of the surf, the fresh, clean smell of the air, the feel of the salt air enveloping me in the gentle br... [Read More...]

Write Your Book in a Flash: The Paint-by-Numbers System to Write the Book of Your Dreams – FAST!

The secret to completing a book quickly is to have a system. Unlike books that show you why you should write a book, this book actually shows you how to write a book! Write Your Book in a Flash shows business executives, entrepreneurs, and thought leaders how to get focused fast, so you can write your book without tearing your hair out. You’re about to learn a simple and proven system for writing a book that matters. Even if you hated writing in the past, you’ll finally feel good about writ... [Read More...]

Free: Stellar Fusion

This isn’t the first invasion. After centuries of war and failed attempts to fight back, Earth sends a team of soldiers on a desperate recon mission. Their leader, the last survivor of the first encounter, is the Universal Protector’s most important asset. Sergeant Atana can’t explain why she knows what she does. But what she is changes everything. Free on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Free: Printer Problems: The Sticks and Stones Mystery

Strange messages print when no one is around, when no data has been sent to the print queue, and even when the machine is unplugged. The worst part for twelve-year-old Brian is the predictions are coming true and life is becoming scary. Each time Brian tells a lie makes fun of someone, or does something he shouldn’t–the messages appear. Brian gets help from his friend, Jason, to tackle the printer problems. But when the boys meet Angela Daniels, their situation becomes much more urg... [Read More...]

The Curious Dreamer’s Dream Essentials

Find out what you’re missing in your dreams each night with this new practical dream interpretation book. You’ll discover 11 keys to interpreting your dreams, including powerful tips and step-by-step techniques that unlock dream meaning. Based on modern psychology disciplines and years of client dreamwork by the creator of popular dreams website, “Easily the best book on the subject that I have ever read…” -C. Conn, Book Reviewer. $2.99 on Kindle ... [Read More...]

Mine Baby

“I should not complicate my already complicated life.” He’s everything I want, and everything I crave. But I have to stay away. We are not meant to be, because we already had our chance, and he doesn’t remember it. “Do you believe in fate? Because it wasn’t meant to be.” $0.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]

Karaoke Night

Missing for 3 days in rural Georgia, blogger Brian Keane is discovered with no memory of his lost time. What he has, though, is a digital recorder containing 11 different interviews with singers at a small-town karaoke bar. Learn the stories behind the songs sung at Karaoke Night. $2.99 on Kindle. ... [Read More...]