Free: From God’s Heart to My Heart to Yours: Thoughts to Ponder

Are you facing trials in your life that you don’t know how to navigate? As you confront these “deep waters,” do you find your heart calling out for truth? Shirley Bertholf has responded to this call by way of her own “excursion into God’s Word.” The aptly named From God’s Heart To My Heart To Yours offers you the opportunity to not only be touched, but engaged and transformed by God’s truth, above and beyond the prevailing views of Him. Devotionals for each day of the calendar y... [Read More...]

Engaged to an Alaskan Man (An Alaska Romance Series Book 5)

A Christian Romance: Love transcends distance, but can it overcome their challenging pasts? Finn is a widower living on an orchard farm in Alaska. When his best friends die in a tragic accident, he adopts their baby daughter and enlists his sister’s help. In Arizona, Annie lives as a nanny. The revelation of her late husband’s infidelity devastated her, and it led her to a dark place. She yearns to remarry but guards a secret that has always gotten in the way of finding love. A mutual f... [Read More...]

Anxious To Amazing: Daily Devotionals with Prayers to Crush Stress & Anxiety: A Woman’s 40-Day Christian Guide Book To Embracing Joy & Mastering Stress-Free Living in Just 7 Mins A Day (Also For Men)

How To Journey From Stress And Anxiety To Joy And Peace Without Sacrificing Your Busy Schedule, Even If You’ve Tried Many Things With Minimal Results! Are you a modern woman longing for serenity amidst stress? How would it feel to unlock the secrets in just 7 minutes a day? With insightful daily reflections and prayers along with affirmations and action prompts, “ANXIOUS TO AMAZING” offers a 40-day transformative journey to stress-free living tailored just for you. In just 7 m... [Read More...]

Free: Rosa Mystica: Featuring the 25 Rudiments to Help You Win

We are in a rigged fight! The fix is in. The winner has already been selected many years ago. Who is that winner? It’s you! However, you must have the correct weapon to win. What is the best weapon in our fight against the Evil One? The answer is The Rosary. If you have ever thought that praying the Rosary is a rather long and daunting task, you must read “Rosa Mystica,” featuring the “25 Rudiments to Help You Win.” The rudiments are unique yet tangible practices w... [Read More...]

Free: The Loving Yourself Book For Women: A Practical Guide to Boost Self-Esteem, Heal Your Inner Child, and Celebrate the Woman You Are

Written by prize-winning author Diana Rachel Bletter, this comprehensive guide will provide you with the tools and insights you need to build self-compassion, increase your self-worth, and transform your life. In this book, you will find: A self-love checklist to assess your current level of self-love and identify areas for growth Daily practices and practical tips for incorporating self-love into your routine An understanding of the importance of self-care and how to prioritize it in your lif... [Read More...]

Free: Within: A Memoir of an Inner Alchemist

We’ve undoubtedly heard many times that the greatest journey is within. Above and beyond this truism, however, how many of us have been able to successfully navigate the world of consciousness and emerge with the capacity to guide others on the same journey? Alex Kroll is just such a guide. Within is a story that points us toward the source not only of healing, but awakening. To arrive at this source requires that we embark on our own hero’s journey, the archetypal seed of which is present i... [Read More...]

Your Will Be Done

“Your Will Be Done: Prayer Book For Daily Life” is for Christians seeking comfort, encouragement, and spiritual guidance in the urban, fast-paced world. In addition to the prayers, beautiful illustrations will enhance your devotional experience and strengthen your faith. You will find support and consolation in moments of joy and sorrow. “Your Will Be Done” offers a profound devotional experience. This book bridges the gap between faith and daily reality in a fast-paced,... [Read More...]

Free: Jesus, Will You Heal Me?: Healing the Mind, Body, and Soul Through The Lord’s Prayer

Do you find yourself reciting the Lord’s Prayer without realizing the full potential of its healing power? You’re not alone! Let’s take a closer look at one of the most famous Christian prayers, verse by verse, in Jesus Will You Heal Me? We’ll invite the Holy Spirit to join in the healing journey, asking Him hard questions and listen attentively for His answers. God’s replies will reveal what He wants to heal in you—He will smash lies, thwart doubts, squelch fear, and destroy bond... [Read More...]

Free: The Afterlife: My Journey to Eternity

Debbie Carter went into anaphylactic shock and momentarily died. Her angel came for her and took her to Eternity in Heaven. She stood before God’s Shekinah Glory, and He showed her the Holy City, New Jerusalem. She saw the magnificent layers of colors in the walls, the gates, and the cornerstones. She describes them beautifully in her book. That was thirty-five years ago, and God told her to seal up her experience until His people were ready to hear about the end times and Eternity. After her... [Read More...]

Building Communities of Hope: How People are Making Positive Change

Would you like to bring more hope and power into your life? Can you see yourself as an influencer and force for positive change? Each one of us, deep down, has the spirit and fire within to live in joy. We are built for it! We can and do make positive changes that empower and bring hope to ourselves and others. Most of us have wondered more than once: “How can I make a difference?” This book looks at that question. Readers have called this a compelling and motivational guidebook that is a p... [Read More...]