Prepare Now for a Challenging Job Market in the Future

Readers of this book will learn skills and knowledge that will help them in any type of job market of the future. Readers will learn how to get out of debt and save money for periods of unemployment. They will learn how to start and operate a small business that can be a lifesaver during times of unemployment. Readers will learn how hobbies, a healthy diet, and exercise can keep them mentally and physically healthy during times of uncertain healthcare. They will learn the best job search and su... [Read More...]

Your Gold Mind

Have you ever felt overwhelmed or burnt out because you never give yourself any time to discover what you really want or set personal goals? Do you have relationship goals, health or wealth goals? Do you feel like you are always digging for someone else’s gold and never searching for your own? This practical course will teach you easy ways for goal improvement and realization. Our subconscious mind has been programmed with habits which make our current Paradigm – the best part is, the bad h... [Read More...]

Podcast 101

Start your own Podcast easily and grow your business with a proven system. What if you could create your podcast in a few short weeks? What if you could use your podcast to grow your business with a few simple steps? Imagine becoming a podcast host while growing your business and achieving your life-long goals. Thirteen-time Amazon bestselling author, Paul G. Brodie, offers this comprehensive guide on how to start your own podcast and grow your business with a proven system that works. ... [Read More...]

Why The Law Of Attraction Is Bullshit: And What To Do Instead

Have you ever tried self-help, only to find that it did not work? It did not matter how hard you believed or how closely you followed the information in the book, it just did not do what the speaker or book promised that it would do. Whether you are new to the world of self-help or you are experienced with the disappointment that often comes along with realizing that most self-help techniques are full of crap, this ends now. You see, I agree with you. The world of self-help is far from helpful ... [Read More...]

Free: Rational Empathy

When you think about Morality/Ethics, what comes to your mind? Is right and wrong a mere personal opinion, or is it nothing more than a cultural construct? This book explains why both of these notions are wrong. Morality is based on empathy and derived through sheer logic! And why is morality important? Understanding morality helps maximize happiness for ourselves and the world around us. This book is not written for the philosophy enthusiast, but for the common man. It has the potential to cha... [Read More...]

The Art of Reading People: How to Deal with Toxic People and Manipulation to Avoid (or End) an Abusive Relation

Understanding people & their behavior is the first step toward predicting future behaviors to avoid being let down or manipulated by others. Ian Tuhovsky explains how to master the process of reading people through their behavioral patterns in order to manage your expectations and to pre-empt certain destructive personality traits. ... [Read More...]