Free: Emerging From the Dark: Stroke…The Untold Stories

***** “A Masterpiece“
– Bridget Ball – Amazon, Goodreads & Bookbub Reviewer

***** “A Rememberable Read!“
Teresa James – Poet & Author

This book has been a labor of love, a journey through the shadows and into the light for both me and those who have shared in this experience. It was my greatest honor to tell the inspiring stories of fellow stroke survivors, and I am so grateful that the book has been so well received! — Terence Ang

Emerging From the Dark: Stroke…The Untold Stories is a collection of moving stories from people in all stages of stroke recovery. In these pages, you will find tales of unimaginable courage and determination.

Most of all, these are stories of fighters. These are people who reject the idea of being a victim. Instead, they are fighting with everything they have to return to a normal daily life, even if the new normal is different from their old normal.

This book will change the way you see people recovering from strokes!

These are positive people with positive stories. They don’t want or need pity—they just want their stories to be heard. Grab your copy today, because the odds are that one day you or someone close to you will experience a stroke and this could be the most important book you will ever read!

GET IT. READ IT. AND BE AMAZED READ NOW: #Stroke #Survivors #Inspiration #Courage #Memoir #Motivational #SelfHelp #resilience

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"Emerging From the Dark: Stroke…The Untold Stories" was first posted on on January 27th, 2024. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Non Fiction genre as well as all other genres.

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