Free: The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla Book 1)

The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla Book 1)

Human against vampire. The hunter against the hunted.

I kill bloodsuckers for a living.

The job should be simple—capture the target and collect the money. But when I draw my enemy out in the open, I’m blindsided by his mesmerizing green eyes and snarky wit. Sam Mason is the type of vampire my mom warned me about—the kind who will seduce you with his easy smile and arrogant charm.

Yet, I know better.

The Vampire Navy SEAL oozes mayhem and sex appeal. Sam’s deadly swagger puts me on edge and sets my nerves on fire. If I mess with him, he’ll annihilate me in a second. That thrills and terrifies me at the same time.
A million red flags are telling me to run. But my sisters lives are in jeopardy, and the only way to save them is to grovel for Sam’s help. Free on Kindle.
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"The Hunted (Vampire Navy SEAL: Sam & Layla Book 1)" by S.B. Alexander was first posted on on August 18th, 2023. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Paranormal Romance genre as well as all other genres.

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