Small Stories: A Perfectly Absurd Novel

Duncan and Maya Small have just relocated to a new town. Again. And almost immediately, Duncan is ready to move on thanks to a power-obsessed local official who has it out for him. But Maya has ideas of her own.

The Smalls soon discover nothing in their new town is at it seems, but one thing is certain – there’s something funny going on.

Small Stories: A Perfectly Absurd Novel, is a comic tale about life, power, and new beginnings in a quirky little town that’s decidedly off-the-wall, yet remarkably familiar. It’s about the last Welcome Wagon, secret societies, and bake sales. It’s about Duncan Small’s fixation on process and Maya Small’s unforeseen celebrity. It’s about unexpected friendships, which may turn out to be the best kind there are. $0.99 on Kindle.
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"Small Stories: A Perfectly Absurd Novel" was first posted on on March 23rd, 2023. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Humor & Entertainment genre as well as all other genres.

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