Free: Gods of Stone and Steel

Gods of Stone and Steel
Putting his hand on his sons shoulder, he said, I haven’t told you this story because it will jeopardize your life if the wrong person finds out. Men will come to the village and kill you. Can you keep a secret? A secret that you must guard with your life. Draigh nodded.Your mother was a princess, the daughter of King Legell. When the usurper Gallenden attacked the castle, the king gave me the task of keeping the princess safe.” The boy didn’t say a word, just stared ahead. The father ruffled his hair. This doesn’t change anything between you and me.

Who am I? Does that make me a prince? No, it makes you the king. Free on Kindle.
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"Gods of Stone and Steel" by Clark Graham was first posted on on August 02nd, 2024. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Science Fiction & Fantasy genre as well as all other genres.

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