In a sleepy little town, an ordinary-looking cat hides an extraordinary secret that will transform his owners’ lives forever.
When the Thompson family inherits a dilapidated old house, their overprotected son Timmy forms a strong bond with Whiskers a chronically lazy tabby who is not what he seems.
As Timmy explores the house’s mysteries, a chilling discovery puts his courage to the test. With the help of Whiskers and some newfound friends, he must face supernatural forces beyond his imagination and rescue a soul in peril. $2.99 on Kindle.
"The Cat Who Chased Ghosts: A Magical Tale of Courage and Friendship" by NIc Minnella was first posted on on July 11th, 2024. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Mystery, Thriller & Suspense genre as well as all other genres.
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