Free: Death’s Lady

Death's Lady

A double-portal fantasy series that asks: When the epic fantasy is over, what then?

A gifted psychiatrist, Daniel Dodson knows that he’s in a tough place personally following the death of his wife. Then a mysterious new patient offers a welcome professional distraction. The world of swords and magic that Tenai so vividly remembers obviously can’t be real; the deadly enmity and long war that left such deep emotional scars plainly symbolize something else. But perhaps Daniel can use the signposts of her imagined past to aid Tenai in moving forward into a new life in the real world. …

… Then Daniel and his daughter are swept up in the plots of Tenai’s enemies and dropped abruptly into a world of dark magic and darker history. Now Daniel must find a way to aid Tenai against the all-too-real echoes of her past. If he fails, he’ll see Tenai’s world consumed by rage and war — and he may also lose everything he loves.

“If you like fantasy, great storytelling, new beginnings, and a bucketful or two of peril, you’ll love this story. … A wonderful, engaging, and enthralling adventure. Would give it 10 stars if I could.” — Bookwyrm, top 100 reviewer on Amazon

Free to $2.99 on Kindle.

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"Death’s Lady" by Rachel Neumeier was first posted on on April 12th, 2024. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Science Fiction & Fantasy genre as well as all other genres.

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