To Heal A Heart

To Heal A Heart

This is the story of Cate Adams and Dr. Derek Coburn from Take Another Chance – Book 1 in the Second Chances DO Happen! series.

After watching her mom’s devastation from a divorce, Cate vows to never let a man get that close to HER.
So, it’s no surprise when her dating life turns out to be lackluster (severe understatement!)
That is until she meets Dr. Derek Coburn, a hunky emergency physician extraordinaire.
Both of them have been hurt in the past. Yet, something stronger than their fear of being hurt draws them together.
Unfortunately, life has that funny way of throwing up roadblocks when least expected.
Can their love overcome outside factors set on destroying them?
Do they dare take another chance?
Sometimes taking that leap is just too hard …
$0.99 on Kindle.
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"To Heal A Heart" by Pat Adeff was first posted on on June 26th, 2022. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Romance genre as well as all other genres.

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