Star Beings And Earth’s Mystical History And Future

STEPHEN SHAW is a Globally Renowned Mystic, Spiritual Life Coach, Shaman, Tantra Master and Author of 12 bestselling spiritual self-help books. As seen on KTNV Las Vegas, NBC Palm Springs, multiple podcasts and digital media.

5D is a profound, intriguing story that unveils the Star Beings and Earth’s mystical history. This book reveals the truth about Extraterrestrials. Who is the Time Lord? What is the Time Stream? Who are the Arcturians, Pleiadeans and Greys? Who is the Dark Lizard? Who gave birth to the Buddha? What really happened at the Roswell Crash in 1947? What is the origin and purpose of Area 51? Absorb the sacred spiritual teachings of the Star Beings. “One of the best self help books and supernatural books on the planet. Mind-blowing. Life-changing.” Read 5D first then Star Child then The Tribe, and finish with Atlantis.

STAR CHILD is a profound story that unveils the Star Beings and Earth’s mystical evolution, and heralds dramatic, exciting changes on our planet. This book reveals the truth about the mystical Council of Light, Egyptian gods and goddesses, powerful shamans in USA and Africa and Peru, and sacred spiritual sites around the world. Absorb advanced spiritual teachings about the Source, the Divine Light, and sacred heartfelt Tantra. Embrace exhilarating Extraterrestrial technologies. “One of the best self help books and supernatural books you will ever read.”

THE TRIBE is a profound story that unveils the Star Beings and Earth’s mystical future. This book reveals the truth about the impending Golden Age on Earth, the Council of Light, and spiritual, loving leadership. Absorb advanced spiritual teachings about ecstatic Tantra. Take a journey into love, pleasure, freedom and bliss. Discover the mystical chakras and the ecstasy of Kundalini. What is a soul? How many lifetimes does a soul experience? What is the ultimate destination of a soul? Why do we incarnate on Earth? What are soulmates, twin flames and kindred spirits? “One of the best self help books and self inspiration books you will ever read. A blissful way of living.”

ATLANTIS discloses the Star Beings and Earth’s ancient mystical history. This book reveals the truth about the Source and Creation of Everything, the various Extraterrestrial races, the formation and destruction of Lemuria and Atlantis, and Earth’s mystery schools and secret societies. Absorb mystical teachings about Atlantean magick, crystals, lucid dreaming and astral travelling. Explore the depths and extent of Divine Love with the most spiritually advanced Pleiadean, named Jay (who also appears in my books I Am and Reflections). “One of the best self help books and self inspiration books and supernatural books hidden in the Akashic library.” Read my book Atlantis after my book TRILOGY comprising: 5D, Star Child, The Tribe.

Stephen Shaw is the Author of 12 Spiritual Books Best Sellers: I Am, Heart Song, They Walk Among Us, The Other Side, Reflections, The Fractal Key, The Sorcerer, Divine Love, Atlantis, and the trilogy of 5D, Star Child, The Tribe.

Stephen Shaw originally studied Psychology at university, and also completed numerous post-graduate diplomas in a variety of healing modalities. At 39 years old, he gave up his therapy practice and home, and travelled the world for 10 years. His goal was to seek out the most powerful healers and teachers across the planet. Shaw unveiled common threads behind the healing work of advanced Tibetan lamas, Peruvian shamans, Tantra masters and other esoteric teachers. Along the way, he experienced a radical and deep spiritual transformation, which shifted him into deep fulfillment, self love and joy. He then combined all the profound experiences and teachings from around the world with his own deep understanding of psychology and human nature, and wrote 12 bestselling, spiritual self-help books.


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