Free: Life Begins When The Kids Leave Home And The Dog Dies

Life Begins When The Kids Leave Home And The Dog Dies

Chapter 1. A California girl named Barb met her prince of a guy. He was tall, dark, and handsome. (Actually, he was a Republican. But he was definitely tall.) They fell in love, and got married.

Chapter 2. He brought her to his castle in England and they lived happily ever after. THE END.

Luckily, 35+ years of living happened between Chapters 1 and 2, giving Barb plenty of material for this collection (in no particular chronological order) from her newspaper columns, articles, blog posts, and that time she killed Mom.

And that’s before Chapter 3 even starts.

“I have learned to put down the coffee and place breakable objects at a safe distance when a post from Barb Taub comes up. It is very hard to drink coffee and laugh at the same time without redecorating the desk…”—author Sue Vincent. Free on Kindle.

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"Life Begins When The Kids Leave Home And The Dog Dies" by Barb Taub was first posted on on May 01st, 2021. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Humor & Entertainment genre as well as all other genres.

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