Druid Apprentice: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Novel

Druid Apprentice: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Novel

Druid apprentice Colin McCool survived his final confrontation with the Dark Druid. Regrettably, that improbable feat has placed him in the sights of some very nasty gods who fear his rapid rise in power…

Now Colin is in a race to master the ways of druid magic while staying one step ahead of the immortal assassins trying to kill him. With a slew of demigods on his tail, the young druid has but one choice—fight or be damned to the dead realm of Tech Duinn, forever. $2.99 on Kindle.

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"Druid Apprentice: A New Adult Urban Fantasy Novel" by M.D. Massey was first posted on freebookpromotions.com on September 06th, 2019. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Paranormal Fiction genre as well as all other genres.

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