In a post-apocalyptic world devastated by The Great Shift, humanity faces a brutal new reality where women are reduced to property. The notorious Carnival Diablo, ruled by the malevolent Ringmaster, epitomizes this cruelty. Amidst its terror, Ava and her sisters dream of freedom. Crossing paths with the paragons of Dollet, the last hope for a better world, they grapple with the ultimate question: can they escape their captor, or will Carnival Diablo consume them? “The Crimson Cage” is a gripping saga of fortitude and sacrifice. Join Ava on her extraordinary journey to reclaim freedom, where every step comes at a price. $0.99 on Kindle.
"The Deadwood Chronicles: The Crimson Cage" by P.V. Bousfield was first posted on on August 13th, 2024. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Science Fiction genre as well as all other genres.
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