Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity

Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity
Reality is an illusion…

Kaleidoscopic Shades – Within Black Eternity – now a multi-award winner, described as a hellish Alice in Wonderland reminiscent of Stranger Things as well as a merging of Twin Peaks and The Twilight Zone.

Joshua Triplow is just your average kid living in what he believes is the best place on Earth: Corona, California. Only a recurring nightmare begins to plague him – and all the other kids in the best place on Earth. A nightmare of a man in black… the very same who haunts his father’s tortured childhood.

Only when a stranger comes calling does Joshua’s father, Bob, begin to understand what has been left behind half a world away in another lifetime has found a way to thrive… He learns there are no colors but black in a place far over the rainbow and that it continues to hoard the most vulnerable in a wrenching existence.

It is here that Bob will fight for his sanity and Joshua will confront countless lost souls… and a menagerie of clocks maddeningly ticking away the hour to nowhere. To the endless plains of Black Eternity.

Know that you are in for one hell of a ride across space and time… one that will stay with you long after you have finished reading.

Book trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UYuXvnpdbNA $0.99 on Kindle.
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"Kaleidoscopic Shades: Within Black Eternity" by David A Neuman was first posted on freebookpromotions.com on November 30th, 2023. Each day we feature new free and discounted Kindle books in the Mystery, Thriller & Suspense genre as well as all other genres.

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