Apple Books Promote: Free Marketing Tools for Authors

Apple recently announced a new free marketing feature for Apple Books authors. This tool is called Apple Books Promote, and it’s designed to make it easier to create and share customized images on authors’ social media pages to attract more attention from readers.

Here’s more information about the new marketing feature in Apple’s announcement.

What is Apple Books Promote?

Authors can quickly and easily generate landing pages and customized marketing images using the free Apple Books Promote tool. Within seconds, authors can create promotional images for multiple social media platforms and choose from several file sizes, headlines, background colors, and other styling options.

Apple Books Promote also allows users to create landing pages through Booklinker (formerly GeniusLink). Booklinker is another free online tool that makes it easier than ever to share a single link to your entire global audience. No matter where your readers are located, Booklinker makes it possible for everyone to click on your customized landing page and purchase your book from Apple Books or Amazon. Soon, Booklinker will also be adding support for Kobo, Google Play, and Book Depository to give readers even more options for buying your content!

To find this new feature, simply go to the “Promote” tab in your Apple Books Toolbox or go here Also, don’t forget to use your unique affiliate link so you can earn referral commissions and track your marketing trends!

Other Marketing Tools for Authors

Marketing can be a time-consuming and frustrating chore for authors who would rather be writing than trying to advertise their content. If you need some extra help with your marketing strategy, an affordable book promotion across multiple sites is a great way to boost your sales and fan base.

Check out the book promotions offered by our sister site JustKindleBooks to find the perfect plan for your budget!


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